Base Values |
1. To be truthful to yourself, to others, to your values and too your beliefs. Do not follow the path of others because it is the path of lease resistance. Follow the path of your heart, for it is the one true path in which to make you happy. |
2. To be wise, is not to be knowledgeable. But to be in the search for knowledge beyond your current understanding. To be wise is to admit when you are wrong, and to make judgment upon facts and not emotions. |
3. Be peaceful, to be other wise leads to aggression and pain, it leads to evil. Peace is the one true way to accomplish a task. To be at peace in ones self will lead to external peace in ones surroundings. |
4. Be united within yourself and with your beliefs. Do not stray away from what is right. A group of people may be incorrect. But a united individual is always right. |
5. Be honorable is to be of good character. Doing what is right. |
6. Courage is the defense of honor. It is to do what is right what ever the odds and others convictions. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the presents of fear, and the drive to do good. |
7. Be committed to yourself and to your beliefs. |
8. Be mindful of what is going on around you. Learn from your surroundings and from other people. Always keep a open mind. |
9. Always be willing to try what seems to be impossible. If you never try, you are bound to fail. |
10. Focus on the task at hand. Only do what you feel is worthy of your attention. If it is not worthy of your time, then it is not worth being done. |
11. Treat all with equality. |
12. Be tolerant and patient. This leads to peace, and with peace you will accomplish more than with chaos. |